Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I was nominated for a Liebster Award :) Did I Nominate You? Find Out Now

I was so surprised today when I checked out my blog and realized that I was nominated for a Liebster award by April from "Goguma Adventures" I want to say "Thank You" to her for acknowledging my blog..I know that its a little all over the place but here is where I share my thoughts, or reviews of things or products I like. For those that don't know about the Liebster awards its basically given to bloggers who have less than 200 subscribers and this is a way that other bloggers can learn and network with eachother! Cool Huh? 
So April sent over some questions for me to answer so here I go:

1. What is your dream vacation destination? I would love to go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower

2.What is your favorite family tradition? My daughter and I have Princess Day, we wear tiaras and paint NYC with glitter..basically go out too see a movie or shop whatever she wants to do that day.

3. Do you collect anything? If so, what? I collect anything with a moon on it, fleur di lis or anything that has to do with Leonardo Davinci (Im a little obsessed lol)

4. What is your favorite quote? You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

5. Who is your hero? My mom is my hero

6. If you had thirty minutes of free time, what would you do? Watch Sex and the city lol

7. Do you believe in second chances? I have too because I dont think anyone can be that oblivious to past mistakes

8. Why do you blog? I love to share my loves and my passions with others, make new friends with people who love to do the same as me.

9. Do you believe you have found your passion in life? If not, what are you waiting for? I have found my passion, helping other women and girls with self esteem issues or just reminding them how beautiful they can be if they just believe in themselves more is my goal and I am on my way to making that come true.

10. What is the one thing you wish for your children? If you don't have children, then for any young child in your life. I want my kids to have every opportunity in this world to be whatever their hearts desire, I want them to be happy and know that life was fair to them.

11. Do you consider yourself happy? Sometimes when people dont annoy me so much lol

The Bloggers I Nominate Are:

Here are the questions I would like you to answer

1. Where did your passion to blog come from?
2. What would be your dream come true?
3. If you can eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
4. What is your favorite color and why?
5. Do you believe people can change?
6. What the silliest thing you do to make YOURSELF laugh?
7. What is your hobby other then blogging?
8. Do you consider yourself to be a good friend?
9. If you had to give up something you loved what would it be?
10. Who is your hero?

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