I was selected by Influenster to try out "The New Ultra Palmolive Fresh Infusions Naturally Inspired, Sparkling Clean Dishes. This is a new line of dish washing liquid with a twist of freshness in my opinion. First let me start off with the packaging which I LOVE..Ordinary dish washing liquid seems so boring and unconservative, I don't know about you but I love my soaps and cleansing supplies to represent something pretty other wise it will be a dead giveaway that they are only there to clean up something messy. The packaging is so pretty and I love the colors. Palmolive Fresh Infusions was designed with elegant simplicity and the freshest scents in mind.
In my box I received 3 bottles in Ginger White Tea, Lemon Thyme and Lime Basil. All scents smell amazing. I actually gave the Lime Basil to my mom because she is my friend and I love her lol...She fell in love instantly as I did..She actually asked me where she can purchase them..This particular line can be found in your nearest Target or Walmart Stores. How exciting is that?
I am a big nerd when it comes to great smelling soaps and dish washing supplies so this totally won my heart over and I am definitely purchasing them again!
For those of you that do not know what Influenster is a free-to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products. In a nut shell the more you like and review products you will be sent a package to review on blogs or on the site for free!